And were done

21 May

So it’s official! I have made it through the 28 days!! I feel amazing, I feel accomplished, I feel healthy!

Final tally is this:

-14 lbs in 28 days gone.

-3 inches (at least) around the waist gone.

thinner looking face

-new appreciation for veggies!

Now that it is all said and done I have to say in all honesty that it wasn’t hard at all. I mean, now that it’s over it really feels like it flew by. I learned in my class that after 21 days your body/mind has learned a new habit. It’s like muscle memory. So I have MORE than learned a new way of eating… hell, a new way of living. I can’t tell you how amazing I feel when I go to bed (and actually fall asleep which is new to me) and when I wake up. It’s really remarkably different from how I felt before. How can I know for sure??
Well, I did exactly what you’re NOT supposed to do on day 29. I ate whatever I wanted. The whole point of this thing is to start over with a clean slate and reintroduce foods into your diet slowly… well, what can I say… I missed cheese and bread. So I actually stayed within some of the boundaries but I really want to tell you why I totally regret my 29th day.

Morning: I had a Jamba Juice. I had the same one I had had DURING the cleanse, but I did not add any of my cleansing elements. Let me tell you… eating/drinking that much fruit (however healthy it might be) causes air… air that comes out… and you know what I’m saying to you right now. I was honestly alarmed.

Lunch: I had a choice. I knew I was going to eat at least ONE meal with the family, and so I was going to choose between the lunch meal and the dinner meal. Well, I was really interested in the dinner meal and it just looked/sounded too delicious so I chose dinner. So for lunch, I had a salad of mixed greens… everything on the salad was allowed (black beans, tomatoes, and corn. The dressing was even a cilantro dressing, which didn’t have any dairy or anything bad (as far as I know). So the only thing that I ‘reintroduced’ in this meal was cheese… and really only just a little. Maybe 2 oz. And that is how we are SUPPOSED to reintroduce foods… a little at a time, and one at a time. Well……

Dinner: I ate with the family alright.

I had a beef bbq sandwich (the beef was fine) it’s the bread and the sugar that were new. I also had a little potato salad, which adds potato, mayo, and dairy to the list of new foods. I also had coleslaw, which again adds dairy (but otherwise was okay). I also had just a little mashed potatoes, which adds butter and dairy. I had asparagus (thank god) and then to finish it all off, I had just a bit of tapioca pudding. I mean what was I thinking?

What’s the bid deal?

Well, one, I couldn’t figure out exactly what was making me feel like CRAP

and, two, I felt like MAJOR crap!!

That was at about 6:30pm and when I went to bed at nearly midnight I was still suffering. I was full, and bloated and just icky feeling. For the past 28 days I had not felt any of those feelings… certainly not while laying down to go to sleep. And guess what? This morning… same story. I still felt full and gross. I usually woke up feeling ready to roll. I always felt like my stomach was flat. I never had to rush to the bathroom. I never felt sluggish… all that this morning. Trust me, it wasn’t worth it. It might have been before, but now that I know how I can feel without it… I really want to figure out exactly what of those MANY things are causing this feeling. So I’m starting again… and now I know how.

Today I had a very healthy salad again. All items on board qualified with my diet… and it was delicious and I felt great. And then for dinner, I had a shake. Paleo, protein, fiber, spinach… the whole thing. And you know what… I feel better. I’m not quite back to where I was (which shocks me even more) but I do feel better.

Tomorrow: bad news… a wedding. A wedding that I intend to be drunk at because ‘cheat number 2’ might be in attendance (among other reasons), and I plan on eating whatever they are serving. Soooo yea, I’m going to be right back in icky land. BUT I do plan to go right back on my shake diet the entire week following. I feel like I really have the tools now to keep myself on track and keep myself as healthy as possible.

I’m very excited and it was WELL worth the money. I think even my husband would grudgingly agree to that!

Thanks for coming along with me on this journey. If this wedding doesn’t offer me up a good blog, I will return to my great stories next week!

If you’re interested in cleansing too or just want more info, please let me know. I can also get you a 20-50% discount on your cleanse products. Message me!!

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