Observe and Report

17 May

Two more days!

Twenty six days!! Can you believe it? I can’t! I’m not sure what I’m going to do with myself after this adventure closes. To be honest, I have a wedding this coming Saturday and I am afraid I am going to pollute the hell out of my body, but at least I know now how to get it back to normal! I have a clean slate and I plan to keep it as clean as possible, as much as possible.

Report: I am currently 11 lbs down and only 1 pound away from my goal. So if I can just drop one more pound in these next two days, I will have reached my goal weight! But not only that, I have lost INCHES around my waist. I wish so much that I would have measured, and if you do this… I recommend you do do that… but I would venture to guess that I’ve lost 3-4 inches. It’s amazing. My stomach is totally flat still and I LOVE my skin. That is probably the most impressive part of this whole thing… NO MORE ACNE AT ALL! If you are in your late twenties, STILL struggling with acne… you should really consider food allergies. I kind of thought that that was my problem, but when you’re eating things all the time, and not really ‘testing’ food… how are you supposed to know what is causing what? So that is very exciting. And furthermore…

Report: I had a regular however NATURAL hamburger patty the other day (protein style of course) and the next day I had 2 zits!! I had one greasy thing (even though it was natural) and I broke out!! Very telling to me. Now I know for sure!

Observation: I no longer need any sleep aids. I have restless leg syndrome. It sucks. I hate it. And I can NEVER fall asleep on my own. I stopped taking meds and had it down to melatonin, which is at least a natural supplement… but I don’t even need that anymore. Even if I go to sleep before I’m actually tired, I can still fall asleep fine. Pretty amazing. And furthermore…

Observation: I have plenty of energy. I feel great!

Observation: I am actually craving things like green beans! I have had them two days in a row and they are delicious! I am also looking forward to incorporating shakes into my daily routine.

Observation: I have also developed a taste for foods that I would have never even tried before, like Veggie soup and spinach in my shakes.

Report: I am very proud of myself. I feel like I have accomplished something and I feel like I now have the tools to really maintain my weight and my health!! I am very excited to see what happens!! Stay tuned for before and after pics!

One Response to “Observe and Report”

  1. kevin harris May 18, 2010 at 8:13 am #

    I am very proud of you!!!

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