Coming down the home stretch

11 May

DAY TWENTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay kids, only 8 days to go… and it feels so good. I can’t believe it’s almost over! Wow. It feels like it’s been a long time, but on the same token, it feels like 28 days is NOTHING. Anyone can do anything for 28 days. Even if you work. Even if you have kids. Even if you think you can’t… I must go back to one of my favorite sayings: Whether you think you can, or think you can’t… you’re right. So what do YOU think?

So here is the update from my almost done perspective. Don’t forget, I’m on all liquids right now! WHAT?? Me? The girl who loves herself some food! Favorite food one: Brownies. Favorite food two: Mexican food. Favorite food three: Cheese. Favorite food four: Soda. And can I have any of these? Forget it! AND I’M ON DAY 20!

Today is day three of my ALL liquid diet. I only have one more day of this, although I feel like I could easily do more. I have been having two shakes per day and one other meal that is liquid. (i.e. soup). Day one I had some chicken noodle soup (homemade) without the noodles or the chicken. It was grand. And then I also had another cup of a mexican soup that is veggie based… also delicious. I mean, when you’re just eating the broth, sometimes you need to double up. It’s not because I was overly hungry.

Keep in mind, each of these meals are balanced, especially the shakes, so I’m not hungry! And it’s only 4 days so I mean, who can’t do four days?

So yesterday, Burny experimented and I’m not sure how it turned out… jury is still out. We heated up some chicken broth (organic) and then he added some garlic, jalapeno, carrots and basal to the mix and once it was heated up… we blended it so it was all liquid. Sounds gross, but that’s soup right? If I had it to do over again, I would leave out the jalapeno and go easy on the basil. It was a little strong for my taste… but it did the trick. I wasn’t hungry afterwards. I am finding that less and less makes me full. I’ve completely stopped over eating… and I am a ‘go back for seconds if it’s really good’ kind of girl, so you can see how huge this is for me. I mean… MacTen, Raps and I can take down a Soup Plantation any day! I can really put it away!

Today, for my non-shake, liquid meal, I found this amazing little place in South Lake Tahoe that serves Natural and Organic foods… including a veggie soup that had no dairy, sugar and was totally vegan! How perfect is that? So I enjoyed a delicious bowl of veggie soup. Oh my God… if you know me, you know that I don’t do veggies, and never in my life has it occurred to me to order veggie soup, but that is something I would totally order again. I would actually drive to South Lake for that soup. I thought it was amazing. And I cheated a little by eating a few of the veggies… They were really soup-like though.

AND, as our nutritionist recommended, I got a massage today. Thank you Burny! 50 mins of pure bliss. I do love myself some massage. And it really was helpful. I feel like a brand new woman. And then to follow it up with that amazing, and HEALTHY soup… I mean I might just be turning over a new leaf! We shall see…

Stay turned for the final week. Tomorrow is the second go round of the Sea Source cleanse… lovely!

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