Tag Archives: balanced meals

Coming down the home stretch

11 May

DAY TWENTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay kids, only 8 days to go… and it feels so good. I can’t believe it’s almost over! Wow. It feels like it’s been a long time, but on the same token, it feels like 28 days is NOTHING. Anyone can do anything for 28 days. Even if you work. Even if you have kids. Even if you think you can’t… I must go back to one of my favorite sayings: Whether you think you can, or think you can’t… you’re right. So what do YOU think?

So here is the update from my almost done perspective. Don’t forget, I’m on all liquids right now! WHAT?? Me? The girl who loves herself some food! Favorite food one: Brownies. Favorite food two: Mexican food. Favorite food three: Cheese. Favorite food four: Soda. And can I have any of these? Forget it! AND I’M ON DAY 20!

Today is day three of my ALL liquid diet. I only have one more day of this, although I feel like I could easily do more. I have been having two shakes per day and one other meal that is liquid. (i.e. soup). Day one I had some chicken noodle soup (homemade) without the noodles or the chicken. It was grand. And then I also had another cup of a mexican soup that is veggie based… also delicious. I mean, when you’re just eating the broth, sometimes you need to double up. It’s not because I was overly hungry.

Keep in mind, each of these meals are balanced, especially the shakes, so I’m not hungry! And it’s only 4 days so I mean, who can’t do four days?

So yesterday, Burny experimented and I’m not sure how it turned out… jury is still out. We heated up some chicken broth (organic) and then he added some garlic, jalapeno, carrots and basal to the mix and once it was heated up… we blended it so it was all liquid. Sounds gross, but that’s soup right? If I had it to do over again, I would leave out the jalapeno and go easy on the basil. It was a little strong for my taste… but it did the trick. I wasn’t hungry afterwards. I am finding that less and less makes me full. I’ve completely stopped over eating… and I am a ‘go back for seconds if it’s really good’ kind of girl, so you can see how huge this is for me. I mean… MacTen, Raps and I can take down a Soup Plantation any day! I can really put it away!

Today, for my non-shake, liquid meal, I found this amazing little place in South Lake Tahoe that serves Natural and Organic foods… including a veggie soup that had no dairy, sugar and was totally vegan! How perfect is that? So I enjoyed a delicious bowl of veggie soup. Oh my God… if you know me, you know that I don’t do veggies, and never in my life has it occurred to me to order veggie soup, but that is something I would totally order again. I would actually drive to South Lake for that soup. I thought it was amazing. And I cheated a little by eating a few of the veggies… They were really soup-like though.

AND, as our nutritionist recommended, I got a massage today. Thank you Burny! 50 mins of pure bliss. I do love myself some massage. And it really was helpful. I feel like a brand new woman. And then to follow it up with that amazing, and HEALTHY soup… I mean I might just be turning over a new leaf! We shall see…

Stay turned for the final week. Tomorrow is the second go round of the Sea Source cleanse… lovely!

Talk about hunter gatherer lifestyle…

28 Apr


I have to say… the most unusual things happen to me. I mean, isn’t that why I blog? I must just have a cosmic target on my forehead telling the world to play a joke on me! “Let’s see what she does with THIS!” It gets ridiculous.

I’m talking about Day six of this cleanse program, but to get to day six, I must first tell you about day five!

Okay so the only real change in my meals on day five was that my lovely husband cooked me a wonderful meal that actually tasted like it wasn’t even healthy. We had steak, which I am allowed once a week if I love steak- and I do- but it has to be natural, organic and free range. It was. And he cooked it in coconut oil, garlic and some spices. It was amazing. He also cooked veggies in the same stuff and so we had cooked spinach, bell peppers and chalets on the side! It was soooo good. I would eat that even if I wasn’t on this cleanse. So anyway, I used up my steak meal for the week, which at the time didn’t feel like that big of a deal… of course I could go another week without steak! Right? Well…. let’s just say it would have been nice to have that option on day SIX!

Day six:

Side note, we have a new puppy… he is like 11 1/2 weeks old and he is as much of a terror as he is cute. And he is VERY cute. We are trying to teach him to sleep in the crate at night, but of course he doesn’t like it. We have neighbors. It’s not a good combo. And the night before day six, it was windy. It’s always windy in Gardnerville, but on this particular night, it was frighteningly windy. I was literally scared that the window was going to blow in. I could hear it squeaking. And I could hear a loud banging throughout the night that I just knew was our garbage. That damn toder has a habit of blowing over in the wind, dumbing and then blowing all our garbage around the yard. It’s just great. So I was not sleeping well and not looking forward to morning. And the puppy was just scared and lonely and loud. SO it was quite a night, I assure you.

Well, when Burny went to work in the morning, he let the dogs (we have a loner dog from his parents right now too to help train the puppy… right) out to use the restroom. The puppy, who is really the only one we are worried about, immediately did his business… both businesses! Okay, so good. Burny thought it would be fine to just bring them both back up to our room to sleep until I woke up. So I had both dogs on the bed, which I quite enjoy. This was not the problem. Around 9am, the baby jumped off the bed and woke me up. When he does this, he usually wants to chew on something so I threw the covers off myself and jumped up to grab him. Well, in that 30 seconds, this little dog had left a HUGE present on the floor at the foot of the bed… AND he was chewing my sock. All this in 30 seconds. I was almost impressed.

So of course I freaked out and took him downstairs and opened the back door to let him out. Well, as soon as he walked out the door, I noticed that our back fence had blown down in the wind, leaving a clear getaway to the back alley for the dogs. Now keep in mind that I have just woken up. I sleep in underwear. I had nothing else on. It’s raining, and windy and now I have to go out and retrieve the dogs before they escape. SO yes, I did a quick run around in the yard collecting the dogs with no clothes on in the rain. Not the best way to start my morning. And then I had to go upstairs and clean up the baby’s lovely mess. While I’m doing that, I realize that the puppy had escaped into the garage. How? Well, my husband had picked up the garbage and dragged the toder in the house so that it wouldn’t blow over again, and he had tried to push it into the garage from the house, it wouldn’t fit, so he left it in the door frame to the garage. Brilliant plan!

Think all this is the cosmic joke that the world is playing on me? Oh no…

It was at about this point, when I went into the kitchen to get the cleaning supplies that I realized the power was out. Yes, the electricity. I literally cursed out loud. I had been awake all of 11 minutes and I am NOT a morning person as it is!

SO after I cleaned up the dog mess, got dressed, and jimmy rigged the back fence with our dog gate so the dogs could be outside, I went into the kitchen to figure out what to make myself. Of course no power means no blender. No blender means no shake. No power means no microwave, oven, stove… basically there was no way for me to MAKE myself anything. Great. This would totally happen to ME while I’m on this totally random diet.

But I thought, no biggie… the power will be on by lunch. So for my first meal I drank a ready-made Arbonne protein shake which I am so glad my husband made me buy. I also ate a half of an apple to just fill me up a little more and then I drank a fiz tab.

After complaining via text message to my friends about my predicament, I sat down to make some calls for work. I thought at least nothing would distract me from getting some work done, even if I didn’t have the internet. Well, no… my cell phone wouldn’t make or receive calls. Texts, yes. Calls, no. It was like furthering this sick joke. So now I was SURE that the entire day was going to be a total waste. At least work wise. But I did clean. I cleaned the whole house. And don’t worry, I turned on every light in every room when I walked in. I tried to vacuum. I tried to turn on the heat when it got freezing in the house. I even tried to run the dishwasher! I mean, come on! I felt like an idiot every time! We are such creatures of habit, and clearly we take electricity for granted!

Power was still not on by lunch, which I was pretty much counting on, so meal two was another ready-made shake with some carrots and humus (which I threw out because I am so sick of it now) and I added fiber to my shake. It was gross. By now the fridge had totally lost it’s cool and the shake was luke warm and the fiber was chunky having not been able to blend it better. Lovely.

Then the big dog threw up in the yard because he had eaten too much food- the exact opposite problem I was having- and it took everything I had to keep the puppy from eating the puke. It was so gross. I had to pick up the puke with a paper towel, and even then the baby ate a hole in the grass trying to get every last morsel. I just don’t understand dogs. On our hike the other day it was all we could do to keep him from eating the horse poop!

So by dinner, I couldn’t possibly even consider drinking another ready-made shake. It just wasn’t going to be an option for me. So I called NetherNetherLand because she had done the cleanse before, and she suggested that I go to In n Out and get a burger protein style because I was allowed to have steak once a week. Sounded amazing, expect I had JUST HAD STEAK! Cosmic joke! I brainstormed with my husband also, and he suggested I wrap some defrosted shrimp in spinach and eat it. That did not sound appetizing at all. There were plenty of sauces I could have made, had I have had a blender. I was really feeling like a hunter/gatherer… I mean, I had already read half a book and fallen asleep three times. What did they do back then???????

The final decision was that I had to go out and get something to eat that was already cooked. There was not going to be any fast food places that were going to be able to offer me food within my strict diet, so I grudgingly decided that I would have to cheat. But I was going to cheat as best as I could. Well, most of the town was still lacking power too so I ended up going to KFC. I know that sounds like the worst place in the world to go to, but here is what I got: I got 1 breast of grilled chicken, which I know they cook in oil so that was cheating, but I knew it was going to be better than jack in the box. I got a side of corn, no butter and no salt, so that was fine, and I got colslaw… which had dairy so that was cheating too. But hey… I bet if the cavemen had the option, they would go to KFC too.

When I got home and started eating my cheater food, the power came back on. Of course.

And to make matters worse, LOST was a rerun!

Things that are weird about my diet so far: I started my period mid cycle which I can only assume is because of my drastic change in diet. I guess that happens sometimes.

Things that are good about my diet so far: I can already see changes in my body. I don’t have a scale here so I can’t weigh myself, but my clothes are fitting differently and my body just looks different in the mirror! Pretty cool. I am also finding that my skin is clearing up. I struggle with acne and chest acne, and it’s nearly all gone. I always thought that it might be food related…

So today is day seven. One week down!

Neon Yellow??

24 Apr


I know I’m not supposed to do this, but I weighed myself and so far I am at 3 days/3 lbs. Not too bad! Who knows, maybe I will lose 28 lbs! 🙂 God knows I have it to lose.

So here is day three:

I woke up late again… back to normal! Had my breakfast shake at around 11:30am. I figured out the rules a little more clearly, thanks to NetherNetherLand, and so I added a few strawberries to my shake this morning and it was delicious. Turns out they ARE allowed in moderation. So my shake was chocolate protein, fiber, vanilla almond milk and strawberries. It was sooo good. Even my mom thought so. It tasted like blended chocolate covered strawberries. I recommend it, even if you aren’t cleansing or even eating healthy! It was that good.

For lunch I took a tip from yesterday and I enjoyed some carrots with hummus again. It was quite tasty. I have to admit… organic carrots are not as good as regular carrots. I can’t figure out why on earth not, but I noticed.

I was also able to NOT eat the snacks (including chocolate covered strawberries ironically enough) at the Arbonne party today… which I have to admit, was a challenge. I mean, I almost broke down for ONE Cheeto at my in laws! But then I remembered I don’t even eat Cheetos when I’m not detoxing… soooo true that you want what you can’t have!

Don’t worry… I didn’t eat the damn Cheeto.

For dinner I ate spinach with tomatoes and a turkey breast. No dressing… just cut it all up and ate it. Actually pretty good. I would have NEVER in a MILLION years eaten that before this. At least not without ranch. 🙂

Observation of the day: My pee is changing colors. Neon Yellow to be exact. What is that about? I can’t figure it out. I am not even in the ‘detox’ portion of the program, but maybe my body is a little more screwy that the average cleanser. It wouldn’t surprise me.

I get Hummus!!

23 Apr

DAY TWO!! And guess what, I’m still alive! So far, so good.

No crazy run-for-the-bathroom moments that everyone seems to be waiting for. People hear ‘cleanse’ and immediately think ‘house arrest’!

And, best of all, I’m not even hungry! That could be the most surprising part, as I am kind of a bottomless pit. I have a huge appetite and I can really put it away like you wouldn’t believe (food that is).

Today I actually woke up early! That rarely happens-perks of working my own schedule from home. I don’t do alarms.

Had my fist protein shake at 7am.

Changes to shake today: 1 Table spoon of almond butter… much improved. Not nearly as bitter. I liked it a lot more… Oh yes, and I added ice. It made it thinker and cold, which lets face it, should be mandatory with a shake.

Drank a few fiz tabs throughout the day… life savers. Had my Detox Tea in the afternoon instead of the morning… not sure how that will change things.

Lunch… had another shake. I went really crazy with my lunch time shake. I added vanilla almond milk instead of chocolate almond milk. Made it much lighter, which was nice. It wasn’t so rich. AND I was able to HIDE a serving of veggies in it by putting a cup of spinach leaves in there. They blended into nothing and I couldn’t even taste it. I would never have guessed that chocolate and spinach would ever belong together. Although, now that I think about it, I might have seen something like that on Iron Chef America: Battle Spinach.

Dinner was amazing if I do say so myself. I cooked a deck of cards size turkey breast with JUST spices… it was amazing. And I had a tomato with pepper as well as carrots with Hummus… delicious! I GET HUMMUS!! This changes everything.

Maybe this won’t be so hard afterall…