Tag Archives: hormonally balanced meals

I knew I had left my waist somewhere…

8 May

DAY SEVENTEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I haven’t been updating as much because a) I have been busy and b) without Thomas my meals have been rolling on repeat. Although I will say that yesterday I actually went out to eat and was able to find something on the menu to order! It’s getting exciting folks! I actually know enough about food to know what to order for myself now!

I had a bison burger, which I was already a fan of before this because of how healthy they are for you. They are leaner than chicken, and it is illegal to add any steroids or chemicals to bison, so you can be sure it’s a free range, organic piece of meet. And you will be shocked at how flavorful they are. I far prefer bison to hamburger. It just really puts hamburger to shame, and you don’t even have to add any spices to it to make it taste delicious.

I had the patty, without the bun of course, and I added avocado as my healthy fat. I had a side salad instead of fries with just a touch of dressing. The dressing was a stretch because of the vinaigrette, but there was literally just a touch on it. And the salad was the healthy greens instead of iceberg lettuce which is pretty much water.The bison patty also falls apart it’s so tender and delicious. Again, this is something I would order again outside of my cleanse diet.

Starting tomorrow I am moving to 3-4 blended meals a day. That could mean a shake, or soup. This portion goes on for only 4 days and to be honest, I’m looking forward to it. With the shakes, I know I’m getting the right portions of everything, and I know it’s going to keep me full, and I know it’s going to be easy. So I don’t mind it at all.

Also on Monday I have to do round two of the Sea Source… yikes.

As for weight loss… I am at 10 lbs lost, which is quite remarkable in just 16 days, but even more, my body is unrecognizable. Even my sis who is not quick to give out the complements told me that I looked really skinny. My waist is much more defined. My stomach is completely flat. You can see my hips clearly again. I don’t look bloated at all. My thighs have also slimmed out, and you can see it in my face. I LOVE IT!! I saw two women yesterday who I had met the day before I began this cleanse, and the second I walked in the room they both said ‘You look fantastic. I can see it in your face!’ I can’t wait to show you guys the before and after pics. And this is all just in time for summer!!

Oh yes… and my skin is completely clear! I can’t remember the last time that happened! I have been hearing that in your late 20’s, women experience a change in hormones and a lot of women start to struggle with acne. That’s me! Well, this has really helped clear all that up thank god!! I can only guess it is because all of my meals are ‘hormonally balanced’ which in turn, would only hormonally balance my body and my skin chemistry. It makes total sense to me.

Over all, I’m almost sad to see it end in another week or so. I will definitely keep at least one shake in my daily routine as much as I can, and I know that I will be eating a lot better. My habits have changed now. And even though I know I’m not supposed to be doing this, according to Ti our nutritionist, I am finding myself judging my husband for his eating habits.

For example, yesterday he ate God knows what for breakfast. He had a beer and a frozen yogurt for lunch. And before and after dinner he had a vanilla shake. I think I might have judged him for that even if I wasn’t on this cleanse, but now… at least I am not falling into these habits along side him. I have to also point out that I have been away from him this last week for work and I just got to see him yesterday for the first time in 7 days. Well, twice I walked to the fridge to get a snack. TWICE!! I have not done that one time in these 17 days and I did it twice when he was home! That really tells me that I have unhealthy habits that I associate with him. Who knows why! But it was really good for me to recognize that. I would have never noticed had I not have been on this cleanse. It was really interesting to me.

Anyway, that’s all I have to report for today. Hope you’re enjoying this journey as much as I am!