Meals a gogo

1 May

So, as I mentioned, I have officially added the detoxifying element to my daily regimen. It’s the Paleo cleanse stuff that helps detoxify the liver. I guess the liver gets pretty bogged down over time, and so we need to clean it out. The nutritionist compared it to changing the filter on your AC. I can dig it.

It tastes funny. It’s almost fruity… but not really… kind of chalky… but not really. I can’t REALLY figure it out… but either way, it’s the most flavorful thing in my shakes. I don’t know how that happens.

So we are on day 10 today and I am still adjusting to drinking 2 shakes a day… 1 meal of food. Meals are slowly going away, and eventually will be gone entirely… but I’m finding that the shakes are just so darn easy that I don’t mind so much. If only I could solve this Paleo thing…

I’m also bathrooming slightly more but it’s still not at all what you think when you think ‘cleanse’ so that’s good.

I’ve lost 7 pounds. 10 days. Not too bad… I hope I keep this up!!!

Tomorrow I have to do the SeaSourse cleanse… I’ve been putting it off until I have nothing else to do… it’s just for one day, but it supports the colon. Well, there is only one thing that the colon does so if it’s supporting that… we shall see how it goes is basically what I’m saying to you. I’ve still been told that it won’t be bad, but you just never can tell.

Yesterday I only had time for 2 meals and they were both shakes. My second shake I had to take on the run- yesterday was a crazy, crazy day promoting with Arbonne- and as I was driving very illegally fast up to Yuba City, I took a turn too quickly and my dinner went flying across my car. So a) I lost part of my dinner and b) now not only to I have to drink the Paleo… my car smells like it too. Grand!

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